Real-Time IoT Monitoring System: Enhancing Industrial Operations Efficiency

A multinational manufacturing corporation aimed to enhance its production efficiency and minimize downtime by implementing a real-time IoT monitoring system. Collaborating with Bizelit specialists, they sought to create a fault-tolerant and scalable solution.

    • Elixir, Riak , Nerves, Phoenix
    • Azure
    • April 04, 2024

A multinational manufacturing corporation aimed to enhance its production efficiency and minimize downtime by implementing a real-time IoT monitoring system. Collaborating with Bizelit specialists, they sought to create a fault-tolerant and scalable solution.


The manufacturing corporation faced challenges in monitoring and analyzing data from thousands of IoT devices deployed across its production facilities. Traditional monitoring systems struggled to handle the volume of data generated in real-time, leading to delays in detecting and addressing operational issues.

    Solution Proposed:
    Leveraging Erlang/Elixir’s concurrency and scalability model, our development team built a distributed IoT monitoring system capable of processing vast amounts of sensor data in real-time. Utilizing Erlang’s OTP framework to ensure fault tolerance and seamless scalability, enabling the system to adapt dynamically to fluctuations in data volume.

    Technological Stack:

    • Elixir/Erlang for real-time event processing and scalability.
    • Riak KV/ AWS S3 for secure storage of critical data.
    • Phoenix framework for visual representation of fleet data.

    Benefits Realized:

    The real-time IoT monitoring system enabled the manufacturing corporation to detect anomalies and predict equipment failures proactively, minimizing downtime and optimizing production efficiency. Compared to a similar solution built on Java, the Erlang/Elixir platform demonstrated a 40% reduction in operational costs, primarily due to lower infrastructure requirements and improved system responsiveness.

      By adopting the Erlang/Elixir ecosystem for optimizing enhance its production efficiency, Our client achieved enhanced scalability, fault-tolerance, and real-time processing capabilities. The consolidated technology stack streamlined operations and paved the way for future growth and innovation in managing their IoT monitoring system.