Real-Time Fleet Management System

The client, a leading fleet management company operating in Southern Africa, faced the challenge of efficiently managing a large fleet of vehicles generating a substantial volume of data. Seeking to consolidate and simplify their technology stack, they turned to cloud solution architect for Microsoft with expertise in OSS technologies in Azure.

    • Chat AI
    • Techno
    • April 03, 2024

The client, a leading fleet management company operating in Southern Africa, faced the challenge of efficiently managing a large fleet of vehicles generating a substantial volume of data. Seeking to consolidate and simplify their technology stack, they turned to cloud solution architect for Microsoft with expertise in OSS technologies in Azure.


  1. Handling a massive volume of events generated by the fleet, approximately one and a half billion per month.
  2. Hosting a complex application involving Kafka, AKKA, Spark in a Kubernetes cluster with a Cassandra backend.
  3. Need for a streamlined architecture to implement an IoT gateway, event processing engine, storage facility, and advanced analytics integration.

Solution Proposed:
The architect recommended leveraging the Erlang/Elixir ecosystem due to its scalability, fault-tolerance, and real-time processing capabilities. The proposed solution aimed to use Elixir and Erlang to create an integrated system for fleet management.

Key Components of the Solution:

  1. IoT Gateway: Implementing an IoT gateway to collect telemetry, GPS data, and other information from vehicles over data networks.
  2. Event Processing Engine: Utilizing Elixir/Erlang for real-time event processing to handle the massive influx of data efficiently.
  3. Storage Facility: Employing Riak KV for storing small data securely without loss.
  4. Advanced Analytics Integration: Integrating with advanced analytics engines for in-depth insights into fleet operations.

Technological Stack:

  • Elixir/Erlang for real-time event processing and scalability.
  • Riak KV for secure storage of critical data.
  • Nerves/Raspberry Pi setup for handling events from thousands of units.
  • Phoenix framework for visual representation of fleet data.

Benefits Realized:

  1. Scalability: The use of Erlang/Elixir ensured seamless scalability to handle the high volume of events generated by the fleet.
  2. Fault-Tolerance: Erlang’s fault-tolerant nature enabled the system to handle failures gracefully without compromising operations.
  3. Real-Time Processing: Leveraging Elixir/Erlang facilitated real-time event processing, enabling quick decision-making based on live fleet data.

By adopting the Erlang/Elixir ecosystem for optimizing fleet management, the client achieved enhanced scalability, fault-tolerance, and real-time processing capabilities. The consolidated technology stack streamlined operations and paved the way for future growth and innovation in managing their extensive fleet effectively.